More practice adding decimals. We will wrap up adding and subtracting decimals tomorrow with a bit more practice after the test.
Problem solving test on addition and subtraction tomorrow.
Most students did much better on the skills test Wednesday.
Share with a parent the historical text we read today. Before quarries, where did some of the stones needed to build homes and road come from in Ontario? Why was Matthew not able to become a "stonehooker" like his father?
Your task will be to identify the characteristics of historical texts using the story on Monday.
Today we talked about the Juno Awards. Tomorrow we have the Grand Theatre 100 Schools Tour coming to St. Nicholas. The play is about a girl named Juno who is social media obsessed and falling behind in her school work. Her life changes after Juno writes an original song for a class assignment.
In the play, a variety of Canadian artists are mentioned. Do you remember their names?

Can you guess the names of these other Canadian artists? Maybe ask a parent?

What is your favourite genre of music..... pop, hip-hop, country, rock, classical, blues, jazz....?
Make sure you make a list of 10 non-screen activities you enjoy doing in your agenda.

Off-uniform tomorrow.