Today marks the beginning of the holiest season of the year, Lent. At mass today ashes were placed on our foreheads. Why? As a sign of repentance and humility and our mortality. Some day we will return to ashes when we die. We wear ashes to acknowledge that we are sinners. During Lent we are called to renew our faith. Like a spring cleaning.
Ashes were placed on your forehead with the following words,"Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel."
The liturgical season of Lent is 40 days. Why 40? We remember Jesus' fasting in the desert after his baptism for 40 days. What other Bible stories have the number 40?

The three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting (sacrificing) and alms giving (sharing your time, talents and treasures with others). Think of your Lenten promises for each of the pillars. We will be writing them on a footprint for our Lenten door.
If you go on the VLE at home (ldcsb), and click on Growing in Faith (student), you can watch the videos from class. They are part of Unit 4.
Video of Jesus in the desert:
Problem solving test is moved to Friday. Please take a look at the blog sample problems from the weekend and yesterday. If there is a question that you don't understand we will have the solution on the back table for you to look at.
If you were unable to do decimal homework, make sure it is completed tomorrow during Math. We move onto problem solving with decimals.
Great improvement on the adding, subtracting and estimating quizzes.
Just planting a writing seed...... think about the journey that your character will go on for your "dialogue story".
Will it be an adventure..... a walk...... shopping...... a vacation.......a quest?
Who will your character meet?
Where will your story take place?

- Phys. Ed tomorrow, last day of gymnastics
- Off-uniform Friday