Today we looked at subtracting decimals tenths. The same strategies we used for adding decimals we used for subtracting decimals.
Example: 8.2 - 2.7
1. Expressing decimals as whole number of tenths
2. Pencil and paper, lining up decimal
3. Adding up on a number line
When you are rounding decimal tenths, we round to the nearest WHOLE NUMBER. In the example above....
8.2 is about 8
2.7 is about 3
8 - 3 = 5
Test tomorrow is the same test as the test last Thursday and your practice test, with different numbers of course. Students that handed in their tests, were given feedback today.
For the test on THURSDAY:
- Create addition WORD problems and be able to solve them.
- Create three different types of subtraction WORD problems and be able to solve them.
- Solve one and two-step WORD problems involving both addition and subtraction. This includes the word problems where one number is an amount larger than another.
Try these problems:
Jaden wears his Fitbit to track his steps. On Monday, he took 4100 steps in the morning and 3900 steps in the afternoon.
He took 2200 fewer steps during the day on Sunday.
How many steps did he take on Sunday?
Cristiano also wears a Fitbit. Together on Sunday they took 8500 steps. Cristiano took 1200 fewer steps than Jaden. How many steps did Jaden take? How many steps did Cristiano take?
Many problems were given on the weekend for extra practice. Try to solve them. If you don't understand, ask.
Today we began our discussion of Lent. Here is the video we watched today. What three things are we called to do during Lent? Tomorrow we will set some Lenten goals. What will you do during Lent?
Great job decorating your Mardi Gras masks!
What is the difference between a non-renewable energy source and a renewable energy source?
Solar, hydro, wind, tidal, geothermal and biomass are all renewable energy sources.
Oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear are all non-renewable.
Why is it so important that we reduce our use of non-renewable energy sources? Try to think of three reasons.
Here is a video link explaining geothermal energy:
Here is a video link to biomass energy:
Pink Shirt Day:
Pink shirt day started in Nova Scotia in 2007 when two seniors at a high school witnessed students bullying a new junior student for wearing a pink shirt to school. To stand in solidarity with that student, they purchased shirts for their senior class and wore them to school. Today we look at pink shirt day as a day to show KINDNESS to others.