We will finish adding and subtracting decimals (tenths grade 4 / hundredths grade 5) this week. The last topic is adding, subtracting (finding change) and estimating money. Then finally back to multiplication and division.
We will have a test next week because of the short and busy upcoming week.
A few things to remember about subtraction.....
One way to look at subtraction is the difference between two numbers. Many of you only see subtraction as what is left over after you take away an amount. Questions on the test that asked you to find two numbers that add to a certain amount and subtract to another, were particularly challenging.
For example: Find two 4-digit numbers that add to 6000 but have a difference of 500. There is a way to do this algebraically, but some of you didn't really understand that strategy. You can do this question using guess and test and a chart.
Start with two numbers that add to 6000
Find the difference
If it is not correct adjust the two numbers based on if the difference is too big or too small.
Number 1 Number 2 Sum Difference
4000 2000 4000 + 2000 = 6000 4000 - 2000 = 2000 (too big)
This tells me that I have to make the first number small and the second number bigger.
3500 2500 3500 + 2500 = 6000 3500 - 2500 = 1000
This second guess has a difference that is too big, but I'm 500 off. So if I subtract 250 from the first number and add 250 from the second, I should be at a difference of 500.
3250 2750 3250 + 2750 = 6000 3250 - 2750 = 500 (correct)
That's why we spent so much time understanding the properties of addition and subtraction when we make an easier question. What you're really doing to get the correct sum is moving some of the first number to the second number i.e. using the distributive property to get the correct sum that gives you the correct difference.
Algebraically it can be done.....
Number 1 = Number 2 + 500
Number 2 + Number 2 + 500 = 6000
Number 2 = (6000 - 500) divided by 2
Number 2 = 5500 divided by 2
Number 2 = 2750
So the other number is 2750 + 500 = 3250
Fundamental to solving these kinds of problems is an understanding of the meaning of the difference between two numbers. A number line might help you visualize what you are doing.
We will be writing our Lenten promises on our feet tomorrow (not your real foot, a paper foot). Make sure you have a promise for each of the pillars of Lent.... prayer.......sacrifice.........alms giving (giving your time, talents and treasures)....
What are some of your treasures? What do you value? What is important to you that you can give to others?

Have an idea for your character story. You will be writing this week and assessed on .......
- Detailed and descriptive language
- Dialogue that moves the story along
- Strong speech tags that describe the voice of the character speaking
- Correct use of quotation marks
- Correct punctuation and capital use with quotation marks
- Spelling
- Paragraphing
- Creativity
Before you start, you must have your "fish dialogue" completed in good.
We will brainstorm ideas tomorrow if you're having a bit of writer's block.

- Finish any Mathletics assignments.
- Keep reviewing your multiplication facts to 12 x 12